MRI Technologist Training program starting on April 2nd 2018 (Internship Available)

Mandatory MRI Clinical Internship

MRI Technologist Training program requires student to finish mandatory MRI Clinical Internship at the School's affiliated MRI Clinical Sites. The Aquarius Institute is committed to excel the excellence in the MRI Technologist Training Program. Clinical studies will be performed under the supervision of the Qualified MRI Technologist.


During the term of clinical internship students will be assigned to clinical site to give them exposure to a variety of MRI Equipment and be able to produce diagnostically acceptable entire body MRI scan. Clinical Supervisor and MRI Program Director will strictly monitor the clinical participation of the students to maintain and enhance the excellence in MRI Clinical Internship Program.


MRI Technologist, one year training program starting on April 2nd, 2018. Clinical call admission counselor to schedule an appointment (847) 296-8870 or click to fill Contact Us